Dreams: Stop Sabotaging Yourself!

Cara book club, Dreams, faith thoughts 1 Comment

embrace gerthWelcome back to another installment of our book study on You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream. In Chapter 8, Holley Gerth turns our attention to those times when we sabotage our own dreams.  The chapter wasn’t exactly what I expected because she talks about burnout. I am so there. I’ve been pushing myself hard since August when I started the MBA program at Purdue. I know I’m supposed to be doing that. But then a publisher called and I added a book. Then another publisher bought a novella collection. All wonderful things, but I found myself just trying to hang on until Christmas. And just last week, I was trying to hang on until yesterday.

I know this isn’t the way to live. I know it’s probably not even Biblical since any idea of a Sabbath is hard to cram in when the task list is longer than the hours in my day. Yet I also know God has asked me to do each of these, and He’s stepped in and expanded my time.

Some days I need to hear the words: “You are not a superhero. You are not invincible. You are intentionally human.” Sometimes I buy the idea that I’m Wonder Woman or the do-it-all mom. But I’m also tired. Drained. And that’s okay. It’s in the moments of weakness that God shows up easiest in my life because I am desperate for Him to do exactly that!

She also talks about taking care of our physical bodies by getting enough sleep and exercise. That we need to simplify our lives and build a dream team. I loved the reminder to seek a mentor, an encourager, a younger woman, and a cheering section. I try to be intentional about those, but it’s always good to take a moment and examine if I have each of those in my life. And then she challenges us to avoid negative people, be alert for doubters, and guard against bullies.

What stood out to you? Who’s on your dream team? Make plans to connect with one of them this week.

Comments 1

  1. Oh, Cara, so many good thinking and talking points in this chapter.
    I hung up my superhero cape long ago — even as I know God has allowed me to live my dreams in greater ways than I ever imagined. Part of the beauty of living my dream has been seeing others help my dream come true. I am craft-challenged and don’t have an ounce of administration — so when my friends step up to help me plan a book launch or pull together a “themed” bouquet for a giveaway — well, the dream becomes a reality. And mentoring others allows me to encourage others’ dreams and to give back to others in the way I’ve been encouraged. I treasure my mentors — they are living gold in my life.

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