The Best Yes: Where from Here — 4 Application Steps

Cara book club, faith thoughts 2 Comments

The Best Yes- Making Wise Choices in the


One challenge of reading a book like The Best Yes is the application. Reading a book is one thing. Doing something with what you’ve learned is hard. Hard work. Hard remembering. Hard applying.

So what can we do? Here are a few suggestions:

1) Take a few minutes to review each chapter. What stood out to you from each? Make a quick list that you can refer to in step 2.

2) Choose one of those items to focus on first. Is there one suggestion that you can adopt immediately? Some item you can test and apply? Start there. Take an incremental approach. If we try to adopt every suggestion in one week, we are setting ourselves up for failure and the eventual reality that we will stop before we have a chance to succeed.

3) Give that suggestion 21 days. Experts say it takes 21 days to form a new habit. Are you trying to learn to say a quick no rather than drag out the process? Focus on that for three weeks. During those three weeks, really focus on how to say a gracious and kind no. Learn how to quickly end the situation rather than prolong it by saying you’ll think about it when you know the answer should be a no. Then add the next element. Focus on how you’re spending your time. Or pray about what your best Yeses should be. By breaking it down into steps, you’re more likely to succeed and adopt more of the principals.

4) After a month or so, stop and evaluate. How is it going? Are you making progress? If no, ask God if you need to shift your focus. Is there something else you should try first? Allow Him to redirect you.

Are there other ways that you incorporate what you’ve read and make it a part of your life?

Comments 2

  1. Great suggestions, Cara! I am really trying to focus on being more intentional about my time… this past year, I haven’t really been able to be proactive with my schedule… it has been very reactive and chaotic and it sort of needed to be… but, now, I am trying to really think about how I want the 24hrs. of each day to be spent… and with that, I have to think about what to say yes to and what to say no to.

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