Faith in the Journey…

Cara faith thoughts 1 Comment

Ever have a time in life where you feel like you’re on the verge of two paths diverging. One is the comfortable life you’re in. One where you know God can use you. I wouldn’t call it safe, but it’s not necessarily laced with overwhelming challenges?

Then there’s a second path. One that weaves into the unknown. Though that isn’t really true. Because as you what if and peer as far down the road as you can, you have an inkling of what taking that first step will mean. Your status quo will change. You’ll be pushed so far out of your comfort zone that you want to flee in the opposite direction. Yet at the same time in that unknown is a whisper of excitment. An excitement that says this could lead in unexpected directions to unexpected paths that lead to God using you in fresh ways you can’t begin to anticipate?

My husband and I are both facing those situations. It’s unnerving and absolutely unsettling. Yet at the same time there is peace in the process. Peace in the promises. Peace in the knowing God will be found as we seek Him.

Can you relate?

Comments 1

  1. Yes, I can relate. I like to stay in my comfortable rut, but this is a time when I am being forced out, so am trying hard to just trust God with it all. Years ago, when we were facing another big change, I heard a missionary couple speak at our church. The wise woman said she “would rather go into the unknown with God than stay in the known without him.” That wise advice has stayed with me and helped me through many moves and changes in my life.

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