The day after…There is peace

Cara faith thoughts Leave a Comment

screen-shot-2016-11-09-at-3-01-52-pmAs I write this I am exhausted from watching election night returns into the wee hours of the morning Tuesday/Wednesday. My jaw was on the ground most of the night as the election returns rolled in from across the country.

This morning there are people who are devastated, there are those who are optimistic, there are those who are angry, those who are shell-shocked. This entire election cycle has been crazy with a capital C. But in that there have been great lessons for me.

  1. Where do I place my hope? Is my hope in individuals? In politicians? In a political system? Or is my hope built on the solid rock of Jesus Christ and my faith in Him. Do I truly believe He is King of all, or do I believe is sovereignty is dictated by an initial or a color? Those have been excellent questions for me to ask myself. It’s been a good season of checking where my heart is and where my faith is.
  2. What have I done to contribute to divisiveness that is running amok in our country? I want to say nothing, but God has been reminding me over and over that my primary call is to love. Therefore, I have started asking Him to show me how to love all of those around me, especially the ones not like me. If I’m truly loving Him, then it should overflow to those He places around me. I have a long way to go to walk this out as He loves,the-prayer-of-a-righteous-person-is-powerful-and-effective-james-5-16but I want to.
  3. My prayer for us moving forward is that we would come together. One thing this election showed is how divided our country is. Listening to the newscasters slice and dice us made me sad.

    One thing I have been asking God to do in my life this year is show me how to love well the people in my life that are nothing like me. Regardless of who is president, I know who is king. And as his daughter I am his representative here on earth. My prayer moving forward is that I would be every day a better representative for him. Anyone want to join me in that prayer? We could turn the world upside down if we loved like Jesus.

Praying God will be all you need today.

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