
Cara life; faith 3 Comments

I’ve often heard people say that they ask God for a word or phrase for a new year. Me, not so much. As my husband likes to tell people, if I have a goal or make a resolution, I usually won’t rest until I’ve accomplished it.

This year, God is being quite insistent on what that word is.
Why is it such a scary word? It only contains five letters. But it is. It stands there like a taunt or a dare. Yet, I sense that’s not the way God wants me to see it. Instead, I think He beckons with a sweet whisper. Trust Me. Trust My promises. Believe that all I say I will do.
So I stand poised on the branch. It’s shaking underneath my feet, swaying in a breeze that feels more like a typhoon. My arms are thrust out at my sides. I push off with my toes. And I say, “Yes, Lord. I will trust You. Help me remember how.”

Comments 3

  1. Ah… that BIG “T” word!! I think that it is a hard one for us ‘get it done, type A’ personalities. Though I am far less productive than you, I am still a DOER! Know what TRUST seems like?? NOT DOING anything… we like to DO things ourselves!!!! We like to see measurable results. TRUST requires us to realize we can’t DO anything about it!!! It requires us to sit STILL!! Trust says that it isn’t in our hands and that GOD can do it BETTER!! Imagine that!! We DOERS don’t want to think anything can be done as well as we DO it!!!! Fear is the opposite of trust… just like I HATED group projects in college… I couldn’t just DO it all and I had the fear that someone would let me down. I wanted those projects done correctly (read MY way) and I wanted an “A”! Trusting God and trusting others is hard…. I will be praying for you!!!

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