I have a website!

Cara Uncategorized 7 Comments

Please go check it out at www.caraputman.com. And please let me know what you think. My friend Lisa Tuttle designed it for me and made it an absolutely painless process. I am thrilled with the site, but would love to know what you think. And if you’d like to link to my page, I’d love it!

To think my book should arrive on my doorstep at the end of this week or early next week. And now I have a website. Yikes! I must be an author 🙂 God continues to blow me away with His grace and goodness!

I’m working to finalize a couple proposals this week and finish the rewrite of Deadly Exposure. Please pray that God will give me wisdom and creativity. Thanks!


Comments 7

  1. Hi Cara,
    Checked out your website – awesome. And all your books coming out next year – way to go.
    I am in the process of setting up a website. You gave me inspiration. And my favorite verse is also Psalm 37:4.
    I pray the Lord blesses your writing.

  2. It is a beautiful, well-laid-out site. Easy to navigate, too.

    I have been HAUNTING the Heartsong shelf at my local Christian bookstore……looking for Canteen Dreams!

  3. Congrats!
    My strongest memories of grade school are the library. It’s still surreal that my own fiction has actually been printed in book forms. Please let me know when you’re accustomed to the idea–we’ll talk in a few years? Decades? Stop pinching yourself, it’s real. 8D

    Spiff site you’ve got there, and I think I even know where that picture was taken. My one constructive criticism is adding a “media room” page, where you can post stuff for journalists & interviewers. Include both color and B&W author pics to make their promotion easy.

    Only one shot at a first novel. I’ve just fired off a prayer for your new fiction ministry, and you’ll be on my list in coming months. I have some prayer time in my factory job.

    His will, we can ask no greater,

  4. I have looked at your website. You asked for opinions, so I will give one, but if don’t really want to know you should stop reading now.

    What I Liked

    Consistent – the website is consistent throughout, so the user knows what to expect.

    Color scheme – the color scheme goes well together and matches the colors used in this main photo.
    Navigation – navigation buttons are at the top and bottom of the page, so the reader does not have to go looking for them.

    Simple – the site is not overly complicated, so it will be easy to maintain.

    Style Sheets – style sheets were used for elements of the design.

    What I Don’t Like

    Above the Fold – The photo is much too large. For some users, it will completely fill up their screen. For the rest of us, it dominates the area above the fold. I am sure that your husband will disagree with me, but the most important thing on your website is not a picture of you. I think having a picture of yourself is good because it makes it easier for the readers to connect with you, but what they really want to see is the content that has been pushed out of the way by the overly large photo. I recommend reducing the size of the photo and putting the text to where readers can begin reading while the page is still loading and without scrolling to the bottom of the page.

    Use of Tables – Looking at the source XHTML reveals that tables are being used for page layout. The color elements of the tables are also being used in a few places. Content should always, always, always and again I say always be separated from the presentation of the content. Tables are part of the content. Cascading Style Sheets should have been used to design the layout of these pages. It is much easier to change and maintain than tables.

  5. Well, gee, since you named me as helping you get your domain, I guess I should post a comment. LOL!

    Very nice layout and feel. Easy to navigate. Reflects you quite well. And since Timothy already pointed out the overly large photo and behind-the-scenes coding, I’ll just echo him. *winks*

    Great to hear you’ve joined the information superhighway with a pit stop of your own though. Congrats!

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