3 Steps to Finding the Grace to Chase a Dream

Cara Dreams, faith thoughts 2 Comments

director boy

 Once there was a fourteen-year-old who quickly realized her favorite authors simply could not write books fast enough. Because she was young, she decided she could write books, too. Her mother smiled and allowed her to write as part of her English. Slowly two novels grew on an old computer, paragraph by paragraph, page by page. She loved creating ideas, research, writing. The process delighted her soul, and she wondered if she’d found what she was created to do.

Then life got busy. College, a career. A husband and a family. Writing was pressed to the perimeter of her life by the busyness of a full life.

Most days it was enough.

But some days, the whisper to write became a roaring ache to try. When this occurred, this girl-turned-woman would take the dream to God, hold it in open hands, and ask Him if this was His dream for her. If not, show her so she could kill the dream and focus on His will for her life.

In due time, He announced it was time to follow her dream. Nine years later she’s awaiting the publication of her eighteenth and nineteenth books later this year.

You may have already guessed: I am that girl. I know what it’s like to have a dream burning inside me and wonder if anything would ever come of it. I want to encourage you. If this is you. If you’re convinced your dreams have disappeared under a pile of laundry, dirty diapers, and grocery lists, that there are ways to live with grace until the appointed time for the dream to burst to life.

Here’s what I learned on the journey:

  1. Hold the dream loosely. Pry your tight grip from the dream and offer it to God. Ask Him for wisdom to know if this is the time or the dream. Seek Him first. A dream without Him at the center is simply not as fulfilling.
  2. Prepare when you can as you can. For me that meant continuing to read voraciously. Through that I had a core understanding of what made a story and characters work. I might not have known all the lingo, but I intuitively gained an education. It also meant I read how-to write novel books. Each time the itch would resurface, you’d find me in the stacks looking for another book, so I could get structural understanding.
  3. Be prepared to run when God gives you the go-ahead. The years since God told me it was time to test the dream have been a whirlwind of work. It has required immense discipline and stick-to-it-iveness. I’ve had to let go of things to make room for the dream. Are you willing to do the same?

Waiting for a dream is hard. But with God’s grace, the waiting can be a time of preparation and drawing closer to Him.

Steps You can Take

  1. Hold the dream loosely.
  2. Prepare when you can as you can.
  3. Be prepared to run when God gives you the go-ahead.

Comments 2

  1. The young girl you described also fits my daughter. I’ve allowed her to write as her English class in home school. As a result she has published 4 books thus far, is working on #5 and reworking some of her earlier works that as she’s gotten older, she feels need updating and appearing more “grown up”. She’s been awarded for project essays and other writing contests. Right now, her big goal is to find a literary agent who will help her navigate the road of traditional publishing. She’s continuing to dream of her novels being made into weekly TV programs and movies as well.

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