It’s a Spring Cleaning Giveaway

Cara giveaway 112 Comments

Stack of novels

It’s snowy and cold here in Indiana. That means I’m hiding inside and cleaning corners bit by bit in our home. It also means I’m going through books, and I have many to share with you. Call it spring book cleaning. It’s simple to enter. Just use the form below. These are great books, and I’m eager to share them with you.

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Comments 112

  1. My home is mostly organized, it’s my comfort level. Of course, I still can’t find things when I look for them or want a certain item…usually because I just moved it to “a better place”. Ha! Joke’s always on me!

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  2. Define organized… 😜 The living room & bathroom has everything pretty much in there place. Other areas are currently works in progress. Thank you so much for sharing these with us!! 🥰📚

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  3. Right now, I really don’t have one that’s organized. We had a pipe burst and they are replacing them all. Then we will be repainting all of our walls.

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  4. As soon as I’ve read a book, I pass it on to other reading friends and if they come back to me, I’ll put it in a Little Free Library. This allows me room for more books. Thank you for this chance to read and share these books.

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  5. For me, I would have to say it is my closet.

    When we downsized and moved four years ago, we built our dream home. We designed it with our needs and desires in mind. I got the granite counter tops, the Amish made cabinets and hard wood floors. Since there are only the two of us, we only have one large bedroom and only one closet in the entire house albeit a very large closet. One side is for clothes and the other is for storage of things like holiday stuff, photo albums, books yet to be read, etc. Being limited on space, meant I learned to consider and then reconsider what was worth keeping and what could go. Even now, 4 years later, I often have to go through things again with a new attitude if something else is to be added because to add means something has to go. We have learned from experience and age that if you haven’t seen it in a year, it doesn’t have a great personal connection or has great value – that it needs to go. Even those that meet the criteria need to be viewed again sometimes.

    We all have way more “stuff” than we need or even remember we have. My suggestion is to de-clutter with objective eyes and not wholly with the heart. If it’s not been seen or used in 6 months to a year, do you REALLY need it? Once you have a discard pile (be it sale, giveaway or trash), get rid of it. Don’t give yourself time to second guess your first opinion. As much as I’ve gotten rid of, I can’t honestly think of one thing that I’ve said “Oh no, wish I had that back.”.

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      Kay, such a wonderful attitude toward things. Our old house didn’t have much for storage, so I very much had a something comes in, something goes out. I’ve “tried” to maintain that in this one with more space. I don’t have to keep something because it’s sentimental.

  6. My most organized area in my house would have to be the kitchen pantry closet. I always keep the same things in the same place all the time so nothing gets lost. I reorganize it about twice a month.

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  7. The kitchen is probably the most organized but I live with a houseful of guys, so that can go by the wayside in a heartbeat.

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  8. My jewelry is the most organized thing in my home because I haven’t removed that many pieces from the boxes over the past year. I’m working on reorganizing almost everything else, though.

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  9. Hmm, my TV stand is relatively new so it’s still nice and organized. Does that count? I also tend to keep everything very tidy at work, more so than I do at home. I need everything to be where I can find it in order to perform well. 🙂

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  10. One area of our homes that’s organized is my side of the closest. I had a burst of energy after coming home from the fitness center the other day and cleaned out four stacks of clothes! Why did I still have sweaters from 19 years ago still in there? Ha, ha!

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  11. My kitchen and bathroom are well organized. I like to know where things are and if I’m about to run out of something.

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  12. My movies, books, cds and such. Simply because it’s what I love. We just recently moved and that was one of the first thing I did.

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  13. My books are organized, I just shuffled to make room for more.
    My kitchen is organized because we recently moved. My husband like things in their place so he can find them. He does most of the cooking.
    The old adage: A place for everything and everything in its place hold true in our house. But he sometimes misplaces a tool.

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  14. Hi. Thanks for a giveaway. Sweet of you. I’m overall pretty organized. I use baskets and containers and label them. Then I have to admit to a few piles occasionally that I’m slow to get at. Put don’t mess with my pile because I know what’s in there 😂.

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  15. My office is mostly well organized – or shall I say I know where most things are…lol. We moved to Florida shortly before Christmas in 2019. The garage holds everything we didn’t put in the house because we weren’t sure we needed it. Now we are starting to go through the garage to either keep of recycle everything, so it will be well organized in time.

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  16. My house is always organized, I didn’t say really clean, just organized! In our previous house we had a library so we will have to build bookshelves in our new home. I am very excited about that.

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  17. TBH, I’m always cleaning & organizing something, but there is no room that stays 💯 clean & organized at the same time. 😆

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  18. Pretty much my entire home is organized unless my hubby has been in something messing. 🤣 Thank you for the wonderful chance.

  19. My kitchen is my most-organized room, but that’s due to having a complete tear out and rebuild two years ago. We were able to design a space we needed/wanted that flowed best for our house. And, in getting ready for construction, I had to go through everything and toss/donate. If a food storage container couldn’t be matched to a lid, it was recycled.

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  20. Nothing in my house is well organized, except my kitchen. We had a hot water heater leak and just had 4 rooms moved out and then back in. We had moved the sentimental items to other parts of the house before the movers came.

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  21. I’d say my living room, because it’s not used very much. Pretty much everything else is a hot mess! I didn’t get my mom’s organizing genes. I make sure things are fairly clean and sanitary, but I hate going through things and organizing.

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  22. I have 3 kids, I don’t even know what organized means anymore 🤣🤣 I do try, but my 2 year old especially loves to search and clean out the cabinets and closets 😄

  23. Our coat closet is pretty well organized. (I just organized it it a few weeks ago.) No special tips.

    I’ve read some of the books in that pile. A few I want to read but haven’t yet.

    By the way, I don’t Tweet and don’t even know how. Will that disqualify me from being entered in the contest?

  24. I try to keep the kitchen organized. The rest of the house is mostly organized too though 🙂 . My one tip is after you get it organized be disciplined to put things away everything, it only takes once or twice of leaving it for later that it all gets cluttered up again.

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  25. Hmm…my tip is to use bins or storage containers to store similar items. I bought a bunch of cute ones and put our DVDs in them and it made a huge difference.

  26. My home workspace contains (in a relatively small space) computer, TV, phone, books, useful office supplies, bills & other important paperwork, coffee, cookies, chocolate, snacks, cats and cat treats. Of course, the cats come first, and the cat treats are a close second. >>^..^<<

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  27. My kitchen is probably the most organized, but my husband couldn’t find anything he was looking for in there if he tried! LOL!

  28. Hi, my bookcase is well organized its very neat and modern , its packed with lots of books but it is also decorated with stylish stuff. I love reading ! stay safe !!

  29. I would love to find one place in my house that is well organized. My silverware, dish, and glasses cupboards are in good shape. My bookcases are OK, but I have stacks of books waiting to be put away.

  30. I have severe ocd, so for me, since clutter makes my stress worse I always make sure my bedroom is clean. That way when I’m cleaning the rest of my house and feel myself get stressed, I can go to my bedroom for a mental break. Then go back and finish what I was doing. It actually helps a lot.

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  31. I keep some of my books. Others, I put in a box and give to a friend. She shares with her daughter and aunt. Not sure where the books go from there.

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  32. I am the most unorganized person! I can’t say that there is one spot that can be called organized! I need ideas to help me get things in order!

  33. I’m not a very organized person! Right now my pantry is pretty well-organized, but only because I just cleaned it not long ago! 🤦🏻‍♀️

  34. My bedroom, bathroom and main areas of my home are all well organised. I’ve always believed in “a place for everything and everything in its place”. Still trying to get my kids on board with organising their rooms and bathrooms 😂

  35. I love that your writer friends offer suggestions & support. Writing must be an all encompassing pursuit.
    Your character are your friends, but they can’t really answer any constructive thoughts. I enjoy reading your books, Dee Henderson, Nancy Mehl, etc. Good Christian authors with great stories & some added suspense.
    Thank you for what you contribute from one Hoosier to another. It’s snowing here in southern IN in Evansville – right on the Ohio River. God bless you. Betty. Ps. Be thankful in All Things !

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  36. My bathroom because I have a ton of storage bins. I need to do that all over the house but finding the time has been pretty much impossible.

  37. I guess my kitchen is the most organized. I have books stacked in every room and I sew and do needlework so always seem to have projects pulled out. Am striving to do better.

  38. The only room I have that is organized is the bathroom. Hand towels and washcloths in baskets, beauty and grooming products in baskets, a plastic drawer for other odds and ends.

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  39. Pingback: Giveaways & Sweepstakes in Blog Land – Ms. Cat's Honest World

  40. My book shelf and my bathroom is organized Shew trying to get my closet organized now! Thank you for the amazing giveaway Cara!

  41. I do not have a whole room that is neat and organized, but I can think of three things in my home that are…my spices are on three small lazy susans in alphabetical order….my pantry is organized with like items grouped together (baking, vegetables, etc)…and since I don’t have shelves for all of my fiction books, I have them in totes in alphabetical order and a notebook with them listed the same way so I can refer to it when I want to reread a book.
    Thanks for having this giveaway!!

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  42. Does neatly controlling chaos count? My mind? Hmmmm Well, there is a place with a space for everything ~ that’s my logic LOL My vehicles are squeaky clean inside. People can never believe I have 3 kids, 2 dogs, and 2 cats plus two jobs looking at them nor inside my house. I like open spaces, hate clutter.

  43. The only room that is well organized is my craftroom/school room. I love to scrapbook, make cards, and teach my kids via homeschool. My husband would say it’s not organized but it is 😉 I think that your organization needs to be done in a way that works for you. When I’m in my room I know where everything is and that is the most important. I can’t say that for the rest of the house. I am constantly misplacing things LOL. Thank you so much for the chance to win.

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