Let’s talk books…

Cara Canteen Dreams Reviews 6 Comments

Camy Tang snagged this cool meme from The Surrendered Scribe (thanks, Julie!). I’m stealing it from her 🙂 BTW, be sure to check out Camy’s review of Canteen Dreams! She called it one of the best historicals she’s read this year, and I didn’t even know she was reading it 🙂

1. Do you remember how you developed a love for reading?

I have always loved to read. My mom says I learned to read at 4, and I’ve never stopped. I remember being six and in first grade. I went to the small library in the small church school and was told I couldn’t read a sixth grade level book. Hmmm, talk about waving a red flag in front of me. That became one of my favorite books – wish I could remember the title, but it was about the little Jewish girl who suggested Namaan go to Israel to be healed.

2. What are some books you read as a child?

Anne of Green Gables by LM Montgomery
The Little House on the Prairie series by Laura Ingalls Wilder

3. What is your favorite genre?

Suspense! But really, I read pretty much anything. I love a wide range of stories.

The only genre I struggle with is angsty women’s fiction, because they’re too emotionally painful for me to get through. My life has been too emotional the last couple years – I can’t invest the emotional energy in characters who aren’t real. But if the story is more than women’s fiction, I am more than willing to dive in with the characters.

4. Do you have a favorite novel?

I have to name only one? I reread so many, it’s hard to name one. But if I had to I’d say Anne of Green Gables or Gone with the Wind.

5. Where do you usually read?

Anywhere. If I’m sitting, I usually have a book in my hand. On the treadmill. Waiting for appointments, etc.

6. When do you usually read?

Throughout the day – whenever I can. Reading is just something I do.

7. Do you usually have more than one book you are reading at a time?

I never thought I did until several months ago, when I realized I usually have a couple books running in the background while I race through others.

8. Do you read nonfiction in a different way or place than you read fiction?

I like nonfiction, but go in cycles. I can get stuck on fiction unless I’m careful. I love nonfiction for Bible studies, research for books, and then areas of interest. Usually love biographies, too.

9. Do you buy most of the books you read, or borrow them, or check them out of the library?

I buy most and check a few out from the library – usually to see if it’s one I want to buy later. I love the feel of a book in my hands. It’s finding the places on bookshelves to keep them that’s a problem. Right now I’m giving a lot to my church library, and I’ve always got stacks out with friends.

10. Do you keep most of the books you buy? If not, what do you do with them?

See the above questions.

11. If you have children, what are some of the favorite books you have shared with them?

Love introducing my kids to the books I enjoyed. A Cricket in Times Square. Ballet Shoes. Nancy Drew (my husband reads the Hardy Boys to the kids at night). Etc.

12. What are you reading now?

Just finished a fantastic legal suspense by Randy Singer. By Reason of Insanity – it was awesome, jam-packed with twists. Also finished Blue Heart Blessed by Susan Meisnner – it was a delightful romance. Picked up Try Darkness by James Scott Bell. Getting ready to read the Shack – hearing too much about it not to give it a shot. And my to be read pile is huge after ICRS.

13. Do you keep a TBR (to be read) list?

I have a shelf on my desk hutch that is loaded with books I’m supposed to be reading or want to read. I’ve decided my addiction is books. I can live with that.

14. What’s next?

Here are just a few of the titles on my shelf: Demon by Tosca Lee (heard way too many great things about this one), Beach Dreams by Trish Perry, Nobody by Creston Mapes (again heard great things about it).

15. What books would you like to reread?

I reread Brandilyn Collins and Colleen Coble’s books. Lisa Gardner’s. Lisa Scottolini’s. I’ve reread Dee Henderson’s O’Malley series.

16. Who are your favorite authors?

I’m going to follow Camy Tang’s lead here…I have so many authors on my auto-buy list, it’s too long to list. But I’ll list a few of the newer authors in case it piques someone’s interest who’s looking to try a new voice:

Robin Caroll
Mary Connealy
Janet Dean (her debut novel comes out in September)
Debby Giusti
Julie Lessman
M.L. Tyndall
Cheryl Wyatt
And Camy Tang!

Your turn! Do this meme on your blog and leave a link in the comments!

Comments 6

  1. We can all talk about the Shack together. I’m really trying to keep an open mind.

    And Randy, thanks so much for coming over. LOVED the book. And um, on the legal thriller, feel free to share a plot idea with me. Once I have that the rest will come. Right? LOL

  2. I’m late responding but so glad you and Camy picked up on this meme (I think I got tagged over at GodLinked.com). I love reading everyone’s answers.

    I just finished the Shack. I can’t believe the negativity surrounding it. I loved the content and was mesmerized by the writing. I hope everyone reads it at least once.

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