Living Rich for Less Review and Giveaway

Cara giveaway 11 Comments

Just in time for the New Year and all good intentions to get finances in order, here’s a book that incredibly readable and filled with practical tips. In Living Rich for Less, Ellie breaks the book into three areas: giving, saving and spending smart. Each section is loaded with tips you can turn around and use tomorrow. When this book arrived, I flipped it open to get a feel for it. An hour later I surfaced. It was that easy to read and helpful. So if you’re looking for a book that will give you the tips and strategies you need to pull your finances into shape, give this book a try. I have three copies of this book to give away between my blog, facebook page, and shoutlife, so be sure to leave a comment!

You really can be rich in every way, every day.

So you want to own the home you love, make memories on wonderful vacations with family or friends, finance college educations, and help others too?

You can—starting here and now.

With lively humor, proven know-how, and practical principles for financial health, Living Rich for Less helps you stretch your dollars to realize the lifestyle of your dreams. Ellie Kay’s entertaining and enlightening examples show you simple steps to save, spend, and give smart, and her three main principles are undergirded by dozens of effective rules and hundreds of Cha-Ching Factor™ tips that keep or put money in your pocket.

Ellie knows what it’s like to be financially-strapped or struggling, wanting to be the Joneses but feeling as poor in spirit as in pocketbook. She went, within two and a half years, from being a new wife and mom with $40,000 in consumer debt and seven children (and college educations) to support, to being completely debt-free and within fifteen years able to pay cash for eleven different cars, give away three of those cars, buy two five-bedroom houses (moving from one to the other) and nicely furnish each, take wonderful vacations, dress her family in fine fashion; and support more than thirty non-profit organizations in more than a dozen different countries, giving away more than $100,000.

Isn’t that the kind of transformation to a rich life that you want?

Living Rich for Less helps anyone get there in our taxed-out, maxed-out times. Because financial security doesn’t mean just genuine prosperity, but being able to live luxuriously, give generously, and care for yourself as well as the others around you.

Why keep up with the Joneses when you can be them?

Comments 11

  1. I would love this book. My being unable to work, and our salary low, we have not been able to give as we used to or been able to enjoy a vacation once in a while. I’d loved to be able to do both and help out those who need help(especially friends and family).

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