Parenting is hard work

Cara Uncategorized 2 Comments

Parenting is hard work. I think most of us would agree with that statement. But the rewards often exceed the work, even if they don’t come consistently.

Yesterday, I ran across this article that ran in the British paper, the Daily Mail, last week. In it the author admits her children bore her to death. The reaction has been quick and varied. USA Today has run several interesting articles about the response to this cry of boredom.

Then, this morning I found this article about courageous parenting. Here are two blind parents who successfully parented three children. Wow! I hope I have a fraction of their gumption and commitment.

As a parent, I take great comfort that even in the boring moments, which do come, that God chose me to parent my children. In the challenging times, I cling to the fact He believes I am the right parent for my children. And in the fun times, I rejoice that He gave them to me.

Comments 2

  1. I posted about that article on my blog about how one British mums children bore her to death! Sheesh, parenting is anything BUT boring! It’s exhausting, unpredictable, frustrating and fufilling. Sure, playing games with the kiddos can get boring, but BEING with them isn’t.

  2. I have a lot to say about parenting and even wrote a book and a column about it. (I’m the mom of four boys, ages 21 down to 15.) But I can’t remember ever thinking parenting is boring. What you have said here, Cara,is the basic premise in parenting–hard work, which brings images of muscle, blood, sweat, tears and laughter. (There may have been times when I prayed that a boring stretch would come in my parenting.) All I can say is that lady must’ve gotten really quiet, nice kids. My boys give me hair-raising moments each day. Drat.

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