Tucker’s Miracle

Cara Uncategorized 1 Comment

While we were in North Carolina, we got to catch up with dear friends of ours from our time in D.C. John and Amy Green were house parents at the Sacher Intern House when I moved to DC to intern for the Leadership Institute.

Amy was the first person I met, and quickly became like a big sister to me. Then they moved into Fairlington Village, and a year or so later, we bought a townhouse there, too. Then we were only a block apart – and still working at the same place. Then we moved to Indiana, and shortly after, they moved home to North Carolina where John now works as a web guru for Samaritan’s Purse.

So when I knew we were coming to North Carolina for vacation, I quickly emailed Amy to make sure we could hook up with as many of the Greens as possible.

Last Tuesday we met them at Pisgah National Forest near Brevard for a delightful day. We played in a waterfall – Looking Glass ? – had a picnic, and then went to Sliding Rock.

While all of that was wonderful, the best part was catching up and seeing with our own eyes the miracle that Tucker Green is.

You see, in May, he unexplainably lost the ability to walk. Ever been a doctor’s mystery? Trust me, you don’t want to be. But that’s exactly where the Greens found themselves, when Tucker was run through a litany of tests and experts trying to find some cause. Instead, all they got were a list of things he didn’t have.

While he was in the wheelchair, Tucker would pray, and God would answer with a dream. Now these were specific dreams. The kind where He says in three days this will happen. And the wonderful, amazing thing is that God said in three days you’ll walk. And three days later, Tucker walked with a walker. They kept their plans to go on a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Costa Rica. Tucker wanted to do the zipline, and even that morning, his dad thought he shouldn’t. But God had told Tucker he would do it, and he did. It was at that spot that Tucker began to walk on his own again.

Why do I share this story? Because it’s a story of the magnificence of God. A God who still does signs and wonders today.

But even more, because this could become the rock of remembrance in this ten-year-old’s life. This could become a moment that he clings to through the future storms of life, where he can say, I don’t care what my circumstances say, my God is bigger – He made me walk again when noone could explain what was wrong.

We each have those moments in our lives. Some more dramatic than other, but all there none the less. Those times we need to come back to – pull out the rock from our pocket and rub it between our fingers as we stare at the mountain in front of us. Pull out our dreams and fears and place them on an alter built of the stones from every time God has moved in our lives.

If you haven’t done it for awhile, find time and look back at what God has done in your life lately. I guarantee you will find His fingerprints all over the pages of your life. Even in the times you were positive He wasn’t there.

Comments 1

  1. Thanks for your wonderful words, Cara. We had our follow up with the neurologist yesterday. The neuros have declared him healthy and are sticking with diagnosis of post-viral cerebralitis.

    We so enjoyed your visit, and appreciate the blessing you are in our lives!

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